What Should I Know About Controlled Substances in Texas?

A variety of pills and capsules, resembling controlled substances in their diverse colors and sizes, are scattered on a smooth white surface. This assortment features yellow, green, and blue capsules alongside round tablets.

Unfortunately, many underestimate the severity of drug crimes in Texas. Due to their nature, these offenses are taken very seriously, which can lead to a considerable amount of time behind bars. As such, understanding what controlled substances are, the penalties for related offenses, and the importance of connecting with a Houston drug crimes defense attorney who can help you through these matters. Keep reading to familiarize yourself with how Texas handles these offenses.

What Are Controlled Substances?

Controlled substances are any kind of chemical substance like a drug that is regulated by the government due to their addictive and dangerous nature. These differ from uncontrolled medications, like cold and flu medications, asthma inhalers, and blood pressure medication. Though these still require a prescription to obtain in most instances, you’ll find that these substances are not as restricted by the government as other substances.

Texas, like other states, follows the Federal Controlled Substances Act, which provides a classification system for controlled substances based on their likelihood of abuse. The schedule is as follows:

  • Schedule I: These drugs currently have no accepted medical use and have a high potential for addiction and abuse. This includes heroin, LSD, and MDMA.
  • Schedule II: Like Schedule I drugs, substances in this category have the possibility for high abuse, but there are some accepted medical uses. Drugs include cocaine, oxycodone, and Adderall
  • Schedule III, IV, V: Substances in this schedule still have the possibility for abuse due to their nature but have a widely accepted medical use in the United States. Additionally, they often contain smaller amounts of narcotics. They range from ketamine and Xanax to cough syrups and certain pain medications.

What Is the Punishment If Found in Possession of a Substance?

If you are discovered with any controlled substance in your possession, it’s important to understand the penalties you can face. Generally, the consequences will depend on the substances and amount you are found with, based on the Texas Penalty Group classification.

For example, under Penalty Group 1, if you are found with less than a gram of heroin, it constitutes a state jail felony. However, if you are found with over a gram but less than four grams, it increases to a second-degree felony.

As you can see, the charges you can face will vary significantly on the Schedule of the drug you are discovered with and the amount in your possession. Additionally, you can face other charges depending on what you are doing with the substances. For example, you may face a possession charge while also being charged with drug manufacturing.

If you are charged with a controlled substance crime, it’s imperative to connect with an experienced attorney as soon as possible to explore your legal options for these matters. At the Gonzalez Law Group, we understand how nerve-wracking it can be to face these charges. That’s why our committed team is ready to represent you from the moment you are arrested to the minute your verdict is issued. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a member of our team.