In Texas, those convicted of a crime may have the opportunity to receive parole. This is conditional freedom that a prisoner is granted, freeing them from incarceration. However, this does not mean they can return to their old ways; there are a number of stipulations and conditions set in place. If these are violated, the prison will be rearrested and must return to prison. If accused of violating your parole terms, understanding how to proceed to protect yourself is vital. The following blog explores what you need to know and explains how Houston criminal defense attorneys can protect your rights.
What Are Common Conditions of Parole?
When someone is released from prison on parole, they do not have the ability to “live as normal” but must follow stipulations until their parole is up. Common examples of parole conditions include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Regular reporting to a parole officer
- Following a curfew
- Drug testing
- Mental health treatment
- Unannounced visits and searches by your parole officer
- Obtaining permission from your parole officer to travel outside of the state or spend a night anywhere other than your permanent residence
- Community service
- Electronic monitoring
However, depending on the circumstances surrounding your arrest, you may face additional terms such as attending anger management services, not viewing sexually explicit material, or not gambling.
What Are the Consequences of Violating Parole Terms?
If you violate the terms of your parole, or your parole officer believes you have, you will receive either a summons or a blue warrant. However, you don’t just go to prison again – you have the right to a parole violation hearing.
If a judge determines that you’ve violated the terms of your parole, you will likely be sent to prison for the remainder of your original sentence. For example, if someone convicted of a crime is sentenced to ten years in prison, they may have served four years before they were released on parole. After two years on parole, they violate the terms and are sent back to prison. They will then serve the last four years of their original sentence.
What Should I Do if My Parole Officer Believes I’ve Violated the Conditions?
If you receive a summons or are brought in on a blue warrant, ensuring you have an attorney present is vital to protecting yourself. This is a serious accusation, and failure to take the proper steps can land you back behind bars.
Whether your violation was a mistake on behalf of your parole officer, the parole terms were impossible to fulfill, or your parole officer was simply nitpicking, an attorney will examine the circumstances to help provide you with the best possible defense.
When faced with returning to prison for allegedly violating your parole terms, you don’t want to settle for just any attorney. The Gonzalez Law Group is a dedicated legal team that will work tirelessly to fight for you. Contact our office today to connect with a competent criminal defense attorney to discuss the details of your case.