Practical Tips For Firework Safety

The Fourth of July is a holiday that we celebrate with pool parties, barbecues, and, of course, fireworks. No Fourth of July is complete without fireworks. That being said, fireworks are only fun if everyone is safe, and if you plan on setting them off this year, you should have a strong understanding of firework safety. Below, our firm has composed a short checklist that all those who wish to set off fireworks should follow. Please continue reading to learn more.

Firework Safety Tips

  • Never purchase or use illegal fireworks.
  • Never allow children to light off fireworks. 
  • Never let pets outside during fireworks, as this can cause them to run away.
  • Have a garden hose and a fire extinguisher at the ready. 
  • Never light off fireworks without protective glasses. 
  • Do not attempt to relight fireworks if they do not initially go off. 
  • Before lighting fireworks, ensure everybody is a safe distance away. 
  • After lighting off a firework, douse it with cool water and wait a while before throwing it away to avoid a potential trash can fire. 

What should I do if I am injured in a firework accident?

Firework accident injuries are very painful, often leaving individuals with severe burns. That is why the first thing you must do after an accident is to seek immediate medical attention. That being said, if you are someone who has been injured in a firework accident due to another party’s negligence, there is a very good chance that you qualify for compensation in a premises liability lawsuit. However, you will need an experienced Houston personal injury attorney on your side who can collect and present all evidence needed to satisfy the burden of proof. Some of the most useful forms of evidence include medical documents, pictures or videos of the accident, witness statements, police reports, and more. Furthermore, you must ensure that you reach out to our firm in a timely fashion, as there is a statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Texas. Since the statute of limitations is two years, you will, generally, have two years from the date of your accident to take legal action against the party responsible. If you wait past the two-year mark, you will most likely be barred from suing.

Contact our experienced Houston firm

We understand how challenging various legal matters can be, which is why we have dedicated ourselves to helping clients in Texas through a wide array of legal matters, including personal injury law and criminal defense. If you have sustained a serious injury or are facing criminal charges, contact the Gonzalez Law Group today to learn more about how we can help you through every step of the legal process ahead.