Can I Get a DWI in a Self-Driving Car in Texas?

A self-driving car travels on a highway during sunset, with vibrant orange and purple clouds painting the sky. Other vehicles are visible in the distance as trees line the road. The scene captures both the beauty of a colorful evening and the innovative speed of autonomous technology.

Though technology has not adapted to the point where we have flying cars, vehicles have changed drastically over the years. One of the most impressive feats that has been established is the self-driving car. While these have many benefits, it’s important to understand how this technology works to ensure you adhere to the rules of the road. One common question regarding these matters is whether or not someone can be charged with a DWI if in an autonomous vehicle. The following explores what drivers must know about these matters and why it’s imperative to connect with Houston DWI defense attorneys to navigate these complicated issues.

How Does a Self-Driving Car Work?

Self-driving technology has become more and more prevalent now, with most cars having some autonomous features. There are six levels, ranging from 0-5 of this technology. Generally, the vehicles currently on the market are only at Level 2, including Teslas, which are the most well-known autonomous vehicles. There is only one Level 3 car currently available for private purchase, but it is only on the market in certain states.

As such, it’s imperative to understand that with a Level 2 vehicle, there is only partial autonomy. While the car can drive itself, it can only do so under certain conditions. Additionally, the driver of the vehicle must remain alert, as they are required to assume control of the car in the event of an emergency.

Can I Be Charged With a DWI While in an Autonomous Vehicle?

If you are pulled over while riding in an autonomous vehicle, it’s imperative to understand that if you are under the influence, you can and will be charged with a DWI. As mentioned, you must remain alert and in control of the vehicle, even when it is performing Level 2 autonomous capabilities. If you are intoxicated, you will be unable to do so.

It’s also important to note that you can face a DWI as this is charged to those in actual, physical control of the vehicle. As you are sitting in the driver’s seat and must turn on the vehicle, that puts you in control.

A DWI in Texas can be severe, even for first-time offenders. In most instances, you will face a Class B misdemeanor. However, if your BAC is over 0.15%, you will be charged with a Class A misdemeanor. Both carry hefty fines, time spent in prison, and the installation of an ignition interlock device in your vehicle.

As you can see, getting a DWI in Texas is not something that should be taken lightly, as the consequences can be intense. When you’re in legal trouble, the team at the Gonzalez Law Group can help. Connect with us today to learn how we can fight for you during these complicated issues to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your unique circumstances.