A power of attorney is a legal document in which you give another person, called an attorney-in-fact or agent, the authority to make decisions concerning your property. What those powers depend on the terms of the document. A power of attorney may be very broad or very limited and specific.
Most powers of attorney are effective immediately and remain in effect even if you become incapacitated (durable) until the maker’s death. In some cases, a power of attorney can be springing and will only be effective in the event of incapacity.
It is vital to identify one or more individuals you trust to handle your financial and medical situations in the event you become incapacitated. Powers of attorney can give limited responsibilities to certain individuals, but they can also designate the people who can make vital decisions on your behalf. We educate you on the differences between a durable, general, and special power of attorney so you can assign responsibilities appropriately.
Although powers of attorney can be an integral part of a good estate plan, their use should be carefully discussed and considered before granting one.
Contact a Houston Power of Attorney Law Firm
Although powers of attorney can be an integral part of a good estate plan, their use should be carefully discussed and considered before granting one. The Gonzalez Law Group has years of experience proudly representing clients across the greater Houston area. If you need help obtaining power of attorney or for more information, call or contact our office at (832) 530-4070. Se habla español.