Being charged with a DWI can be an incredibly complex matter that requires legal guidance. Unfortunately, many assume that there is nothing they can do regarding these matters, and simply accept the consequences regardless of whether or not they are warranted. If this reflects your circumstances, you'll want to keep… Read More
For many adults, caring for an older relative is something they may not have planned for. However, it's important to understand that this process can be incredibly difficult for many to handle. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for tempers to flare and unfounded accusations or allegations to arise. If you've been… Read More
It's important to understand that a hit-and-run accusation is not something that should be taken lightly. If the police arrive and accuse you of this act, it's not as simple are receiving a traffic ticket. The penalties you can face are intense and ask suck, it's in your best interest… Read More
When you are pulled over, the last thing you expect is for your driver's license to be suspended after your interaction with the police. However, this can occur for several reasons, but it can have serious impacts on your daily life. Whether you rely on your license to get to… Read More
When you are pulled over and asked to provide a breath sample because the officer believes you are under the influence, it can be intimidating. However, when you provide the sample, the last thing you may expect is for it to come back detecting alcohol in your system. Though you… Read More
When you're pulled over by a police officer, the last thing you want to hear is them ask whether or not you've been drinking. When an officer suspects you are under the influence of alcohol, the interaction can become all the more tense as one wrong answer can land you… Read More
When you are arrested and charged with a felony offense, it can have a substantial impact on your life. Not only can it impact your ability to obtain certain employment or where you can live. As such, you may want to explore whether or not you are eligible to have… Read More
When you're driving at night, the last thing you want to see is flashing red and blue lights behind you. When you are pulled over, especially at night, the officer will likely look for signs that you are under the influence. They may even ask you if you've been drinking.… Read More
Whether you believe you're just joking around with a friend or had no idea that your actions are against the law, you may face a harassment charge. If this is the case, understanding what warrants these charges, the penalties you can face if convicted, and what your legal options are… Read More
Unfortunately, most people assume that if they are charged with a misdemeanor offense, that means they will walk away with a stern warning and a little community service. However, this can leave a stain on your record, impacting things like employment, while also leaving you with the potential to face… Read More